Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation President Jim Holte is encouraging farmers to attend the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service’s 2017 Local Working Group meetings.
Eighteen public meetings are scheduled across Wisconsin from June 14 to June 28. The meetings will be used to gather input and help set priorities for U.S. Department of Agriculture conservation programs under the 2014 Farm Bill.
“I highly recommend farmers and rural landowners take the time to attend these meetings throughout Wisconsin,” Wisconsin Farm Bureau President Jim Holte said. “This is an opportunity to share your input with NRCS on which conservation efforts should be prioritized in your area.”
According to the NRCS website, one of the main programs discussed at the meetings will be the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, a federal conservation program that helps farmers promote agricultural production and environmental quality as compatible goals. EQIP offers technical and financial assistance to help landowners with needed conservation practices for water quality, soil health, wildlife and other natural resources. The program was re-authorized through 2019 in the federal Farm Bill, which was passed in February 2014.
Find out more by contacting your local NRCS office or search “2017 Local Working Group Meeting Schedule” at nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/site/wi/home/.
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