The Wisconsin agricultural community is encouraged to celebrate National Ag Day on March 21.
Youth Coloring Contest
Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom is asking children ages 12 and under to participate in an Ag Day Coloring Contest. The coloring page and contest rules are located on the “What’s New” section of the Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom website. There are three divisions: ages 6 and under, ages 7-9 and ages 10-12. On the back of the coloring page or in an email, be sure to include the child’s name and age along with a parent/guardian’s street address, phone number and email address so that winners may be notified. All entries must be received/postmarked by March 1, 2017. Entries can be scanned and emailed or hard copies sent to Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom at P.O. Box 5550, Madison, WI 53705. One entry is allowed per child and winners will be notified by email, phone or postal mail and announced on National Ag Day, March 21. The winner of each age group will receive a package of Ag in the Classroom goodies.
Ag Day Reading Event
Celebrate Ag Day on Tuesday, March 21, by joining farmers, volunteers, teachers and others by reading books about agriculture. Participants are encouraged to identify a group that you want to read to. It can be in a classroom at a local school, a daycare, 4-H club, nursing home, home school group, a civic club meeting or anywhere that people are interested in learning about agriculture. The recommended book is Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom’s Book of the Year: “Time for Cranberries” by Lisl Detlefsen. The book is available from the Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom program. There are activities, background information and talking points available. Please report any visits to Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom outreach of this activity can be recorded. Use #WIReadsAg2017 on social media to talk about you National Ag Day reading activity.
#WIAgProud Campaign
Wisconsin Farm Bureau is bringing back the #WIAgProud campaign for the fourth year to encourage all farmers and agriculturists to share what they do and why they do it on social media. They encourage sharing what makes you proud of Wisconsin agriculture by using #WIAgProud on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. By tagging your social media posts with the hashtag #WIAgProud, Farm Bureau will be able to find and repost them.
To download resources about National Ag Day, visit,, and
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