Sara Menard Huber, District 5 WFBF YFA Committee member
Farm Bureau member since 2016
Why do you value your Farm Bureau membership?
I have been able to build a network across the state and even a few across the country from the national conferences I have attended. It’s nice to have a friend in every area for when you have a question. More than likely, there is someone out there that has been through what you are going through for advice. I like staying involved and updated with agriculture on the farm level. In my professional life as a food scientist, I see the finished products of farming, but it’s nice to build a bigger picture through Farm Bureau to learn the challenges at the ground level.
What has been your favorite Farm Bureau program/event/etc and why?
Well at my first YFA annual meeting at the Kalahari, I met my now-husband. This is a fun event where you are able to learn from the speakers and network with other young farmers in the area.
What would you tell YFA members about getting involved in the YFA program?
There is something for everyone! Just have to take the first step to get involved and then someone will show you the ropes.
Best words of advice/words of wisdom?
Do enough of the small things right, big things will happen. That’s one of my favorite quotes and something I live by in my day-to-day life.
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