Registration is now open for Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s IGNITE Conference. The conference will take place March 27-28 at the Madison Marriott West.
IGNITE stands for Innovate, Grow, Network, Inform, Train and Engage. This member-engagement conference will give attendees the opportunity to build leadership skills and strengthen county Farm Bureaus.
Keynote speakers include Paul ‘The Ripples Guy’ Wesselmann; Judy Rupnow, senior counselor with MorganMyers; and Tom Thibodeau, Distinguished Professor of Servant Leadership at Viterbo University.
“The keynote speakers at this year’s IGNITE Conference will be engaging and interactive,” said Senior Director of Member Relations Wendy Kannel. “Attendees will learn about developing relationships, becoming stronger leaders and maximizing their effectiveness as county Farm Bureau leaders.”
Other speakers on the agenda include representatives from American Farm Bureau Federation, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation and other ag-industry professionals.
The conference offers four tracks: policy, issues and advocacy; governance and organization, building Farm Bureau and communicating for agriculture and Farm Bureau. Attendees will have the option to follow one track through the entire conference or split their time between multiple tracks.
Registration for this event is open to any Farm Bureau member. Registration and hotel information along with the conference schedule is available at Early bird registration is due by March 4 with the final registration deadline ending March 18.
“We are grateful for Rural Mutual Insurance Company’s support of this event,” said WFBF President Joe Bragger. “Their co-sponsorship allows us to offer this excellent resource to our members.”
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