Kelly Oudenhoven was selected as the winner of the Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s Young Farmer and Agriculturist Farming for the Future Award at the organization’s 103rd Annual Meeting on Dec. 4.
Kelly is co-owner and herd manager of Larrand Dairy in Outagamie County. Kelly and her husband Keith are the fourth generation to carry on the legacy of their family farm where they milk 450 Holsteins and farm 950 acres. Together, they have four children, Josie, Jack, Allison and Clayton. Recently, Kelly opened a farm store, Larrand Specialty Farm Products, and sells direct to consumers.
“This contest recognizes Young Farmer and Agriculturist members who excel in their farming, leadership ability and involvement in Farm Bureau and other agriculture organizations,” said WFBF President Kevin Krentz. “Kelly is an outstanding advocate for agriculture.”
The Farming for the Future Award is presented to a Farm Bureau member between the ages of 18 and 35 who has derived a majority of his or her income from on-farm production.
Kelly is on the Outagamie County Farm Bureau board of directors and serves as the Ag in the Classroom coordinator and Promotion and Education chair.
She will receive $1,500 courtesy of GROWMARK, Inc., the opportunity to attend the 2023 AFBF FUSION Conference in Jacksonville, Florida, is eligible to participate in the 2023 YFA Washington, D.C., Fly-In and be a guest of WFBF at the 2023 YFA Conference.
Other participants included: Dustin and Ashley Ellis of Buffalo County; Heather Erdman of Eau Claire County and Stephanie Abts of Manitowoc County.
The Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation co-sponsors this award with GROWMARK, Inc., and Rural Mutual Insurance Company. This is a new Wisconsin Farm Bureau award replacing the Achievement Award competition.
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