Dodge County’s Robert and Karen Schwandt have received the highest award Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation bestows upon its members.
Bob and Karen Schwandt were presented the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation’s ‘Distinguished Service to Farm Bureau’ award during the organization’s 100th Annual Meeting in Wisconsin Dells on December 8.
“It is because of their dedication to our organization and agriculture that I am extremely proud to recognize Bob and Karen’s distinguished service to Farm Bureau,” said WFBF President Jim Holte.
Bob and Karen Schwandt have been actively involved in Farm Bureau for the past 53 years. Farm Bureau and agricultural promotion have been, and continue to be, central to the Schwandt family. Their involvement began when they were invited to a membership kick-off at Bayside Supper Club in 1966. They were so excited about Farm Bureau and the benefits that they started recruiting members on their way home.
“Bob and Karen truly embody what Farm Bureau is about,” said Dodge County Farm Bureau president Roger Hildebrandt. “Their involvement has expanded beyond the county as they became involved in district and state events. No matter the scale of program or event, they are always excited participants and bring ideas back to the county.”
Karen served on the Wisconsin Farm Bureau State Women’s Committee from 2000-2009. Bob has been a delegate to the WFBF Annual Meeting for many years. They have both been active in numerous Farm Bureau programs and events at the county and state level, including Ag Day at the Capital and committee meetings.
Hildebrandt added, “When individuals think of Farm Bureau they think of Bob and Karen Schwandt and the many contributions they continue to make. They are not only active members of Farm Bureau, but of their church and community. Bob and Karen truly embody the definition of ‘Farm Bureau Proud’ and are most deserving of this recognition.”
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