Jon Plumer of Lodi has been endorsed by the Volunteers for Agriculture (VFA) Committee for the 42nd Assembly District. VFA is the political action arm of the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation.
“Jon Plumer clearly understands that a strong and vibrant agricultural economy makes for a healthy local economy,” said Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s Senior Director of Governmental Relations Rob Richard.
The 42nd Assembly District includes portions of Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Green Lake and Marquette counties. Plumer is a Republican seeking an open seat.
“Our local farmers who interviewed the candidates recognized that Jon’s willingness to listen and keep an open mind on key agricultural issues will be a valuable asset to farm families in the district,” said Richard. “Jon is well prepared to tackle the tough conversations on local transportation funding, rural broadband investment and creating opportunities for the next generation of farmers.”
The Volunteers for Agriculture Committee is comprised of 18 farmers from across the state and was formed to give farmers a more direct role in electing leaders who best represent agriculture’s interests.
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