As the state’s Joint Finance Committee continues work on the budget process, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation is asking for support of a long-term solution for transportation. The dire need for local road aid must be a priority in the transportation budget discussions.
“The agricultural community is extremely dependent on a good infrastructure of roadways and bridges to move farm equipment,” said WFBF President Jim Holte. “As the agricultural industry evolves so must the local road and bridge infrastructure that supports it.”
Roads, bridges and highways are an important foundation to Wisconsin’s $88 billion agricultural industry. WFBF believes that increased funding to towns and counties for infrastructure is crucial to keep our rural communities functioning.
“Maintaining and funding rural and local roads is desperately needed,” Holte said. “We cannot lose sight of the importance of rural infrastructure for our farmers and rural residents.”
Holte added, “Wisconsin needs to make a significant investment in rural infrastructure. Currently, we cannot maintain the deteriorating road system we have with the current funding formulas. To continue supporting Wisconsin’s diverse agriculture industry, we must reinvest locally. WFBF is asking the Joint Finance Committee to take a serious look at a solution to this ever-growing problem.”
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