Wisconsin Farm Bureau will host a new event called IGNITE on April 5-6, 2018, at the Holiday Inn Convention Center in Stevens Point. IGNITE stands for Innovate, Grow, Network, Inform, Train and Engage. This brand-new member-engagement conference will give attendees the opportunity to build leadership skills and strengthen county Farm Bureaus.
“The IGNITE conference is designed to be a dynamic, fun-filled training that will provide Farm Bureau members with program ideas, resources and new skills that attendees can immediately implement on the local level,” said Wisconsin Farm Bureau President Jim Holte. “We have a fantastic line-up of speakers and workshops that will not disappoint.”
The conference offers four tracks: policy, issues and advocacy; governance and organization, building Farm Bureau and communicating for agriculture and Farm Bureau. Attendees can follow a certain track or divide their time between multiple tracks.
Keynote speakers include New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau’s Executive Vice President Matt Rush, Indiana farmer and agricultural speaker Damian Mason, Virginia farmer and motivational speaker Matt Lohr and Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Secretary Sheila Harsdorf.
Numerous other speakers are on the agenda including representatives from American Farm Bureau Federation, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation and Rural Mutual Insurance Company.
Registration for this event is open to any Farm Bureau member. Registration information and the conference schedule is available at wfbf.com/events/ignite-conference. The last day to register is Friday, March 23.
“We are extremely thankful for Rural Mutual Insurance Company’s support of this event,” said Holte. “Because of their co-sponsorship we are able to offer this excellent resource to our members.”
IGNITE is scheduled to take place on a biennial basis.
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