The Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation will host an online Giving Day on Wednesday, August 17 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
This online day of giving will take place on Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation’s Facebook and Instagram pages. All proceeds from the Giving Day support education and leadership programs through the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation such as Ag in the Classroom, Young Farmer and Agriculturist and Promotion and Education activities and the Leadership Institute.
Giving Day replaces the organization’s annual Wisconsin Ag Open. The theme of this year’s event, ‘It Starts With Us’, is in conjunction with the WFBF Annual Meeting and YFA Conference, and will highlight past participants of programs made possible by the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation.
“Contributions made through Giving Day are an investment in future Farm Bureau leaders and agriculture as a whole,” said WFBF Chief Administrative Officer Kim Pokorny. “We look forward to hosting this virtual event that provides a wider audience the opportunity to donate to the great causes the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation supports.”
Tax-deductible contributions to the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation may be made at the Giving Day website at
Giving Day will begin at 10 a.m. on the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation Facebook page. Those donating from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m to 3 p.m. will be entered to win a variety of prizes valued at more than $500. Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation sponsors, leaders and volunteers will be issuing challenges every half hour encouraging others to make their contribution.
Additionally, any individual who contributes $100 or more throughout the day will receive a “Support Your Local Farmer” t-shirt.
Businesses and individuals interested in matching donations or sponsoring are encouraged to contact Kim Pokorny at 608.828.5714.
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