The DeLaval and AgrAbility of Wisconsin Assistance Program connects AgrAbility clients with DeLaval dealers and offers a discount on solutions that make milking in stanchion and tie stall barns more accessible for those with injuries and disabilities.
Solutions included in the program are any of the DeLaval Milking Units (MU Blue, MU480/486) with multi-point attachment and the DeLaval carrier rail. Among other benefits, the DeLaval milking units feature automatic cluster removal, reducing the number of times a milker has to bend down to reach under the cow. The carrier rail allows many milking units to be moved around the barn at once, decreasing the amount of lifting during milking and increasing efficiency. The amount discounted is based on the combination of solutions ordered – up to 20 percent off.
Of the 500-plus farmers that AgrAbility of Wisconsin serves annually, at least half are dairy farmers, and the majority of them are milking in stanchions or tie stalls.
Current AgrAbility of Wisconsin clients interested in the assistance program should contact AgrAbility for an assessment to gain authorization for the discount. Those Wisconsin dairy farmers suffering from an injury or disability who would benefit from this program can enroll for AgrAbility services by calling the office at 608-262-9336 or visiting our website and filling out the information online.
AgrAbility of Wisconsin has been promoting success in agriculture for farmers and their families living with a farm injury, disability or limitation since 1991. AgrAbility is a partnership between the University of Wisconsin Extension and Easter Seals Wisconsin.
AgrAbility of Wisconsin has created a significant impact on Wisconsin agriculture by providing assistance to 3,000 farmers and farm families who have been able to continue farming or return to the farm worksite through AgrAbility of Wisconsin intervention. A strong partnership between Easter Seals and Extension has been key to making Wisconsin’s project one of the most successful of its kind in the country.
Looking for more information on AgrAbility of Wisconsin, check out their website or give us a call. | 608.262.9336
Amanda Harguth
Harguth is the Outreach Specialist for AgrAbility of Wisconsin, located in Madison at the University.
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