Char Sullivan is from Door County and has been active in Farm Bureau for 30 plus years and has served on the county Farm Bureau board for more than ten years. Char is a retired home economics teacher and is a produce farmer along with her family. Char and her family have a 240-acre produce and commercial farm. They supply fresh produce for local farm markets, restaurants and sold at the farm. Some of the produce they sell includes asparagus, rhubarb, strawberries, raspberries, potatoes, squash, and much more. For hobbies, she enjoys flower gardening and saving and collecting recipes.
Char got involved with her husband when he was on the Door County Farm Bureau board, especially with the fair food stand. She then got involved with Ag in the Classroom, Book of the Year, essay contest, June Dairy month contest, plus having the high school agriculture classes visit their 40-acre produce farm and greenhouses. They also have two interns each year from foreign countries who live and learn on the farm.
Char’s favorite Farm Bureau event is the county recipe contest. She loves seeing the pride of contestants in their creations. She also enjoys the policy and political part of WFBF and is amazed at the knowledge she has gained and finds it very worthwhile.
Char would like to see more ladies run for their county’s Farm Bureau president position and local boards. She also likes that Farm Bureau is offering programs that help with succession planning for farmers.
Char is involved with the Wisconsin Fruit and Vegetable Association, Buy Local Door County and is active in local school activities.
Char’s role model is her husband, Steve. He is patient, a good listener and shared his Farm Bureau experiences which helped her gain involvement in Farm Bureau.
Keep up the good work Char and thank you for sharing your story!
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