Tell us about your county Farm Bureau experiences:
I have been on the county Farm Bureau board for six years. I started as the Young Farmer and Agriculturist chair and have since been the vice president and now I’m in my third term as president. I have watched the dynamic leadership changes on the county FB board from the older to younger generation. We currently have seven Young Farmer and Agriculturist members on our board.
What is your favorite Farm Bureau event or memory?
I personally love the Annual Meeting I really enjoy watching the grassroots organization at its finest. I enjoy the policy development at the county level all the way to the state Annual Meeting.
Tell us about leadership roles with other organizations:
I am a co-general leader of Little Whispers 4-H club, where I also serve as the county clover buds leader. I serve on our county dairy breakfast committee and I’m a youth soccer coach.
How has Farm Bureau connected you with other women in agriculture?
Last year I attended the Ag Women’s Summit for the first time. I loved the interaction with other women in agriculture. Most farm women have one thing in common for sure: farm men. We are usually the sounding board when there are problems on the farm. It’s nice to know that we aren’t the “only one” who deals with the stressful problems. I have had a lot of fun with the women in our county during our women’s events. It is nice to have other sounding boards to talk to and to understand what we go through as farm wives. I really enjoyed the wine tasting that District 8 had this last year. After a little wine everyone starts talking and it was fun to see so many women let their “stress” go for a day!
What bucket list item would you like to cross off this year?
I would love to take a vacation off the farm and be away from work for a while. When we won the Young Farmer Achievement award in 2011, we won a trip to Hawaii which was our first vacation away from the farm and our kids for more than a day. We both loved the trip and the time off the farm that we made an agreement that we would take a trip away from the farm each year. One year with the kids and one year without, last year we were able to take our first real family vacation with our three sons to Disney World for eight days. This year I get to decide where we take our trip. I would like to go to Arizona for Brewers Spring Training. I don’t really watch the Brewers a lot but my husband Ryan does, and with the winter we are having I would be happy anywhere warm!
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