Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation President Kevin Krentz has released the following statement following a Dane County judge’s ruling that deems Wisconsin’s wolf hunt unconstitutional:
“Wisconsin Farm Bureau is disheartened with the results of the judge’s ruling today and implores the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to quickly issue emergency rules to come into compliance with 2011 Wisconsin Act 169. The DNR dereliction of duty continues into another wolf harvest season and time will tell what the cost will be for Wisconsin farmers. Wisconsin Farm Bureau members expect the DNR to work within the constraints of state law but DNR inaction, similar to last year, threatens to derail another wolf harvest season. WFBF calls for the Natural Resources Board to instruct the DNR to move quickly into compliance with Act 169 so a harvest season can still take place this winter.
Wolves continue to negatively impact farmers across the state of Wisconsin and our members are supportive of a wolf hunting season. Just one attack by a single wolf can have catastrophic consequences on a small farm. A wolf hunting season is a critically important step to limiting livestock depredation for Wisconsin farmers.
We support moving forward with a successful, organized state wolf hunt yet this winter.”
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