AgrAbility of Wisconsin has served farmers all over the state since 1991.
AgrAbility of Wisconsin started in 1991 upon receipt of a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture. The purpose of the project is to assist farm workers and families who are dealing with disabilities and injuries, allowing them to continue in their way of life. Services include education, technical assistance, and identification of funding resources. AgrAbility staff provide on-site consultative services and assessments to determine farm modifications and adaptive technology that can be used to assist farm workers. Modifications can range from adding a set of extra tractor steps to completely redesigning a milking parlor, and are adapted to each situation.
Last year, AgrAbility of Wisconsin served 501 clients with 160 of those individuals being first time clients. In its 23 years of existence, AgrAbility of Wisconsin has served nearly 2,500 farmers, allowing 97% of them to keep farming after services are provided.
AgrAbility of Wisconsin exists as a cooperative partnership between University of Wisconsin-Extension and the Easter Seals Wisconsin FARM program. UW-Extension handles client intake, outreach, and education, while Easter Seals staff provides onsite assessments and adaptation recommendations specific to each farm and situation.
AgrAbility of Wisconsin services are provided confidentially and free of charge to farm families and workers dealing with the effects of a disability or limitation. Impairments can range from arthritis, amputations, and respiratory illnesses to cognitive disabilities and hearing or visual impairments.
For more information, contact AgrAbility of Wisconsin at (608) 262-9336 or Become a fan on Facebook at or a follower on Twitter @AgrAbilityWI to keep up on farm safety tips, new technology, and any ag-related news or facts.
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