Six of Wisconsin’s 10 federal lawmakers have been recognized with the Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s ‘Friend of Farm Bureau’ Award.
Every two years, lawmakers who have advocated for agriculture during the previous congressional session are recognized with the award.
The voting records of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson and U.S. Representatives Paul Ryan, Sean Duffy, Glenn Grothman, Reid Ribble and Jim Sensenbrenner met the requirements for the award.
“These award recipients have supported policies that provide Wisconsin farm families with less regulatory interference, provide tax relief, clarify food labels for consumers, invest in infrastructural improvements and energy and conservation projects while opening the door to enhance trade opportunities,” said Jim Holte, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation President.
“Wisconsin farm families appreciate the work of these lawmakers who understand the importance of our state’s $88 billion agricultural economy,” Holte said.
“We also appreciated their efforts to provide estate tax reform and tax relief for small businesses. Each also supported funding for energy and water programs, efforts to delist the gray wolf as an endangered species, and other efforts that leveled the field that farmers face when it comes to trade and food labeling laws. Finally, the Farm Bureau applauds their efforts to rein in the proposed expansion of the Waters of the United States rule by the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.”
As recipients of the ‘Friend of Farm Bureau’ Award, the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation’s Board of Directors endorsed Johnson, Ryan, Duffy, Grothman and Sensenbrenner in their reelection bids this November 8. Congressman Ribble of Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District is not seeking reelection.
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