Assembly Bill 252 – Authored by Rep. Jerry Petrowski (R-Marathon)
Senate Bill 195 – Authored by Sen. Mary Lazich (R-New Berlin)
The Assembly passed AB 252 by unanimous consent on October 20, 2011.
The Senate passed AB 252 on October 25, 2011.
2011 Wisconsin Act 52 was signed into law by Governor Walker on November 9, 2011.
2011 Wisconsin Act 52 allows vehicles transporting agricultural crops from the field to the first point of delivery to exceed road weight limits by up to 15%, without an overweight permit from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, from September 1 through December 31 annually.
Previous state law allowed for vehicles transporting agricultural crops from the field to the first point of delivery to exceed weight limits by up to 15% from September 1 until November 30 without needing an overweight permit from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Commodities that are specifically covered under this provision are corn, soybeans, potatoes, vegetables and cranberries.
The Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation supported this legislation because it will allow for farmers to transport their commodities more efficiently directly from the farm and gives them a greater period of time to do so. This may help to alleviate road congestion and allow for additional flexibility during harvest.