Tanya Kudick is from Kewaunee County and is the women’s chair for her county Farm Bureau. She has been an active member for three years.
Tanya is a crop insurance agent and office manager for Lakeshore Heating and Cooling. Her hobbies include camping with her family which includes her husband Jody of 17 years, her 15-year old son, Dalton, 13-year old daughter, Mercedes and dog, Browning.
Other hobbies include traveling, four-wheeling and time with family and friends.
When asked about her county Farm Bureau experience, Tanya said that she is new to Farm Bureau and that when she was elected women’s chair in Kewaunee County a few years ago, she still feels like she has much to learn. “I want to see us do more activities in our county and grow the women’s program,” Tanya said.
When asked what her favorite Farm Bureau event or memory, Tanya explained that she really enjoys working the Kewaunee County Farm Bureau food stand at their county fair. “It really brings lots of good people together for agriculture,” Tanya added and she is planning to do some education with beef promotional items at the fair.
When asked about her favorite childhood memory during the summer she replied that she loved when the whole family worked together. “Everyone pitched in and everyone reaped the benefits of the hard work,” Tanya said. “I remember one summer, my parents bought us a swimming pool for helping to pick stones. We all worked to harvest the ‘crop’ and teased my dad that he planted stones instead of corn! We enjoyed the pool for years to come of course after all the chores were done!”
Tanya was asked what area of Farm Bureau would she promote to a potential member and why? “I would focus on young farmers,” Tanya said. “I think we need to get people involved at a young age and show them that we can make a difference.”
Keep up the good work Tanya and thank you for sharing your story.
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